
At BuzyTots, our goal is to provide a safe, healthy, caring, and age-level fun learning environment for your child. We believe that children should be allowed to play freely. Playing aids in growth and provides an imaginary world that children can master. Playing provides a basis for building self-esteem and a way of learning adult roles. 

Hours of Operation:

8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday

Smooth Transition Process:

Generally, most kids are adjusted by two to five days of full-time care. If you prefer (and have the time), you have an option to start one week before your actual start date to drop your child for four hours for first day and gradually increase to full day by the end of the week. In that week your child will have one-on-one attention from an adult to familiarize with the rooms, other children, outdoors, and all adults. You will receive multiple updates throughout the day with photos and videos. The charges for that week will be $20/hour.

For first 2 weeks parents will get direct update 3-4 times a day with photos and videos. After that the updates are provided on request. Most children have a consistent eating and diaper schedule by the end of the two weeks. Photos and videos of activities, meals for the day, and/or any updates about the childcare are posted in the WhatsApp group by the end of the day.

Clothing and supplies:

BuzyTots provides sippy cups, nap mats, sheets, and blankets for each child and wash them weekly at no extra charge. For outside play children should wear closed toe shoes with velcro straps. Shoes with laces or flip-flops or sandals are not allowed in daycare. Include a sweatshirt or a light jacket for the unexpected change of weather. Provide 2 extra pairs of clothing for the child. Items brought from home must be in properly labeled bag with your child’s name. Children should not bring toys from home. We have plenty of materials and toys.

Diapers and Meals:

BuzyTots provides Huggies or Pampers diapers and wipes. We provide breakfast, lunch, 2-3 snacks, and early dinner at no extra charge. No juice, canned food, or sugar snacks are given. All vegetables and fruits are organic. Grains are organic, whole wheat, white and brown rice, and quinoa. Drinks provided- organic whole milk, organic 1% milk, and water. Meals are served at the times mentioned in daily schedule. Unless you bring your child just before meal time, feed your child before dropping to childcare. 

Parents can provide infant food for children under 12 months of age. Pull-ups are required for potty training and will be provided by parents.

Parent’s Payment Responsibilities:

Annual registration/materials fee, deposit of 4 weeks tuition, and first month tuition is required at the time of enrollment. Thereafter, monthly payment is due on the first of each month. Late charge of $10/day will be added after the 3rd of the month including weekends. It is parents responsibility to arrange payment in advance if traveling. Payment can be made in cash, check, or Zelle. You will receive receipts for all payments made. 

Make checks payable to: “BuzyTots LLC” or Zelle to (408) 771-9934 registered as "BuzyTots LLC".

Full payment is due whether or not your child attends. There are fixed costs like mortgage, salaries, bills that still needs to be paid.

All federal holidays and closed days are considered paid child care days.


Late Pick up: You will be charged a flat fee of $15 for every 10 minutes. The late fee will be added to your account and is payable with next regular child care payment.

You must give at least 30 days written (email or text) notice in advance if planning to terminate child care services. Parents are responsible for payment of full childcare fees through the final date. Deposit will refunded on the last day by check.

Parental Policies:

I MUST HAVE prior written authorization (emergency form, email, or during drop-off) from you for someone, other than yourself or your spouse, to pick up your child. Person picking up your child MUST HAVE PROPER IDENTIFICATION ON HAND before your child will be released into their custody.


It is LEGAL for either parent to pick up the child unless I have a copy of a court order restricting visitation on file.

Holidays and Vacations:

Full payment is due for all observed Federal Holidays and winter break.

There are about 20 paid holidays per year including federal holidays and Winter break. Check annual holiday schedule. 

Full payment is due for all absences. No credit is given for family vacations, illness of the child, or change in your work schedule.


Phone - Cell / text number is    (408) 771-9934.

If home is safe, we will remain in the house until the children are picked up by an authorized person listed on the emergency form on file. 

If the home is unsafe due to fire or earthquake, everyone will evacuate the home, through the safest exit. We will go to the backyard next to the play structure or Panda Express parking lot based on whatever seems safer.

Mandated Reporter:

As a childcare provider, I am a mandated reporter to the State required to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to the Child Protective Services.

Illness and Medication:

  • A copy of each child’s immunization record is required by the first day of child care services. 
  • Records must be updated annually.
  • You will be notified if your child becomes ill during the day.
  • You must inform me if your child has been ill during the night or over the weekend.
  • The child can come to daycare if he or she has minor illnesses such as a cold, or temperature below 101º F, or if the child has been on medication for over 24 hours.
  • I WILL NOT be able to care for a child, who has diarrhea, is vomiting, has temperature above 101º F, or if the child has a contagious illness.
  • You will be notified and expected to pick up your child immediately if any of the below symptoms become visible. Also, the child will be separated from the other children if he/she develops any of the symptoms listed below:
  • Diarrhea (loose, watery, mucous-filled stools)
  • Vomiting, recurring with a fever of 1O1º F or higher
  • Pink Eye, or conjunctivitis, (until treated for 24 hours)
  • Hepatitis or tuberculosis
  • When a child has had a serious accident or illness
  • When a child has a problem breathing, has convulsions, or becomes unconscious
  • When a child experiences severe pain or discomfort or is too sick to participate.
  • You must give me written authorization (which will be kept on file for every medication in every instance) for me to administer any prescription medication or “over the counter” medicine. The authorization forms can be obtained from me, to be completed by you the morning you bring the child in for care and the medication is to begin. You must provide the dispenser to administer the medication to ensure proper dosage.
  • Your child may be readmitted only when their presence will not endanger the health of the other children. Your child may return if:
  • Fever is absent for at least 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol/Motrin.
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea has subsided for 24 hours.
  • Antibiotic have been given over a 24 hour period for Strep Throat infection.
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) has diminished from the eyes and there is no discharge.
  • Child is completely over the contagious stage of illness.
  • Child feels well enough to participate in the daily routine. 

Discipline Policy:

  • Need to discipline children at BuzyTots has been minimal because:
  • Infant/toddler and preschool rooms are designed to prevent problems as much as possible
  • Activities and materials are age-appropriate
  • Ratio of adult to children is more than adequate
  • Children are not forced to perform beyond their abilities
  • If inappropriate behavior needs disciplining, then:​
  • children are redirected so that they understand not only what they cannot do but also what they can
  • limits are reinforced by a firm voice 
  • extreme situations requires removing the child from the situation and given some time by himself/herself
  • no physical punishment is administered to any child by any adult or children at any time

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